5 Early Symptoms of Scleroderma
Scleroderma is a rare health issue, which involves thickening and hardening of the skin. This is due to the excessive production of collagen in the body. In most cases, only the upper layer of the skin is affected by this disease. But in some people, it harms beneath the skin as well, like the internal organs, blood vessels, and also the digestive tract. This condition is seen more in women than in men and it usually occurs in people between the age of 30 and 50 years. This problem does not have a permanent cure, but by identifying the early symptoms of scleroderma, you will be able to get relief from its symptoms with some treatment options.

The symptoms of scleroderma will usually depend on the area that is being affected. Here are a few of the early symptoms of scleroderma that you should be aware of.
- Tightening of the skin – Hardening and tightening of the skin are the common early symptoms of scleroderma and everyone who is affected by this problem will have this symptom. This creates skin patches, which can be in an oval shape or even straight. The exact location, number, and size of the patches decide the type of scleroderma. Moreover, it gets difficult for you to move the affected area.
- Problems in the lungs, heart, and kidneys – Scleroderma is a skin condition which can affect the lungs, heart, and kidneys to a great extent and if you neglect this condition, then it can turn into a life-threatening situation.
If the symptoms of scleroderma are just related to the skin, then they may fade away in a span of five to seven years. But if this has affected the internal organs, then it can get worse when left untreated.